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Business and Commercial Document Imaging Solutions

Excalibur EFS

Excalibur Technologies Corporation

Based on a scalable client-server architecture, Excalibur EFS helpsorganizations manage their electronic documents in office automation andadministrative applications, from document capture and scanning tocorrection-free OCR and pattern recognition-based retrieval.The key differentiator of Excalibur EFS is its automatic full-contentindexing and Adaptive Pattern Recognition-based fuzzy-searching. EFS isthe only document image management software that indexes informationwithout costly and time-consuming manual set-up and pre-processing ofdata.EFS provides users with a wide variety of methods for document retrievalincluding content-based retrieval using Excalibur's powerful "fuzzysearching" feature, keyword and Boolean searches, retrieval via databasequeries for document control information such as author or date, anddirect retrieval using fileroom icons.Excalibur EFS operates on IBM RISC System/6, Sun SPARCstations, HP9 Series workstations, and Digital Open VMS and Alpha computers. Inclient-server environments, Excalibur EFS supports personal computersrunning Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintoshes.Additional functionality with EFS includes a scanning interface, embeddedoptical character recognition (OCR), optical interface, softwarecompression and decompression, structured query language interface,content-based retrieval and client APIs. Excalibur's unique Fuzzy Searchallows users to find information even if they do not know where it wasfiled, how to spell it, or what it was named. This results in no need tocreate keyword tables, inverted indices or expert rules. Fuzzy Searchalso ignores typographical and OCR errors that occur in data collection.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: PC with HP scanner, HP printer, kofax board
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2

Excalibur Technologies Corporation
1921 Gallows Rd Ste 200
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: 7037613700
Fax: 7037611990